مازن خوري
المؤهلات العلمية:
1994 - 1998: Ph. D. in applied physics titled " Contactless characterization of mechanical properties of a moving sheet using ultrasonic techniques " from the I.N.P.G (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble / FRANCE).
1993 – 1994: D.E.A (Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies) in applied physics from the University of Joseph Fourier in Grenoble.
1989 – 1992: Engineering Diploma in Physics from the I.N.P.G/Grenoble.
البرامج الأكاديمية:
المقررات العلمية:
ITE.BPH401 - الفيزياء
الخبرات الأكاديمية:
1999-2000: Teaching "physics of semiconductor" for first year students at informatics engineering in Damascus University.
2017-2019 : Teaching " Computer skills and Technical Writing " in SVU (Syrian Virtual University), program ISE.
2018-2020: Teaching "ITE.BH401_Physics" for first year students in SVU, program ITE.
2017-2020: Teaching "mathematics" for first year students in HIAST (Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology) in Damascus.
2000-2020: Supervising many undergraduate projects (fourth and fifth year students in system engineering and telecommunication engineering) at HIAST.
1994-1998: Supervising PHD Titled: "Design and Implementation for an apparatus for Remote Probing of Atmospheric Boundary layers using acoustic technology". At Damascus University.
المنشورات العلمية:
1. " Contactless measurement of the elastic Young's modulus of paper by an ultrasonic technique" Ultrasonics, vol 37, 1999, p. 133-139.
2. " Caractérisation des modules d'Young d'une feuille de papier en défilement par une technique ultrasonore sans contact " A.T.I.P, vol 52, n. 3, June / September 1998, p. 105-112.
3. " On-line contactless measurement of the elastic modulus of a moving sheet by ultrasonic method", paper 3aED1, Wednesday morning 18, 1997, 133rd ASA / NOISE – CON Meeting, State College, Pennsylvania, USA.
4. “Overlapping Signal Separation Method Using Super Resolution Technique Based On Experimental Echo Shape “ , (e-journal) Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, volume 2017(2017), article ID 7132038.
تصميم وتوصيف طبق صوتي عاكس على شكل قطع مكافئ "5.
مجلة جامعة البعث - حمص, المجلد رقم 39، العدد 3، الصفحة 11-34 عام 02017
دراسة وتوصيف الربح الصوتي لعاكس على شكل قطع مكافئ ,
مجلة جامعة البعث - حمص, المجلد رقم 39 عام 2017.