Oumayma Al Hakawati Al Dakkak
PhD. 1988 INPG-France in Electronic systems
DEA+Engineer 1985 ENSERG-France
Programs list:
Courses list:
ITE.CCR601 - Cryptosystems
ITE.BEC401 - Electronic Circuits
ITE.ANL601 - Natural Language Processing
BACT.CEE308 - Digital Communications
BACT.CPR401 - BACT Final Project in RMC
ISE.PR2 - Project_II
ISE.NLP - Natural Language Processing
ISE.ES - Expert Systems
ISE.AE - Artificial Intelligence
BACT.CPS401 - BACT Final Project in CSB
ISE.PR2 - Project_II
Academic experience:
Electric Circuits, Electronic Circuits.
Artificial Intelligence
Natural Language Processing
Digital Communications, General Communications.
Digital Signal Processing
Digital Signal Processors: (TMS320C31,TMS320C6713,TMS320C6455 )
Basics of Digital Signal Processing, Cryptography,
Advanced Signal Processing
Speech Signal Processing.
IT Faculty-Damascus Uni.
Electronic circuits
Knowledge based systems
Natural language processing
Master: speech communications
Al Dakkak O. et al. 1987 “Automatic Extraction of Formant Parameters Using A-Priori Knowledge”, Proceedings of IASTED on Applied Control Filtering and Signals, Geneva pp. 14-17
Al Dakkak et. al. 1988 “Using Contextual Information in View of Formant Speech Analysis Improvement”, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Recent advances in speech understanding and dialog systems, pp: 117 – 122, ISBN:0-387-19245-X NATO-ASI Germany.
Al Dakkak et. al. 1988 “A Data Base of Formant Parameters for Knowledge Extraction and Synthesis by Rule”, bulletin du laboratoire de la communication Parlee. Grenoble.
Bailly, B. Murillo G., Al-Dakkak O. and Guerin B., 1988 “A Text-To-Speech System for French Synthesis by Formants” Proceeding of Speech' 88, 7th FASE Symposium Eidenburgh UK pp255-260. Referenced in
[BAI88] Bailly, G., Murillo, G., Dakkak, O.A., and Guérin, B. A text-to-speech synthesis system for French by formant synthesis. In 7th FASE Symposium, pages 225-260, 1988.
Kastantin R. and Al Dakkak O., 1990 "Speech Coding Using MPLPC at 9.6 k bits/s" Proceeding of 1st Arabic Conference on Electronic Engineering, Aleppo.
Mrayati M., Carre R. & Al-Dakkak O., 1992, " Transitions Formantiques Corrspondants a des constrictions realisees dans la partie arriere du conduit vocal" Proceedings of 19me JEP, Brussels.
Asi M. & Al-Dakkak O. 1993, “Multi-Sensor Interference Rejection” Proceedings of Arabic School on Sensors, Damascus
Mrayati M., Carre R. & Al-Dakkak O., 1994, " Transitions Formantiques Corrspondants a des constrictions realisees dans la partie arriere du conduit vocal" Linguistica Communicatio. Vol VI. N 1-2 (1994) pp.59-63
Al Dakkak O. & Ghneim N. 1999 “Towards Man-Machine Communication in Arabic”, Syriano-Libanise Conference on Informatics, Damascus University.
Al Dakkak O. et. al. 2005 "Emotion Inclusion in an Arabic Text-to-Speech" EUSIPCO 2005 Sept. 2005. Antalya-Turkey.
Al Dakkak O. et al. 2006 "Posodic Feature Introduction and Emotion Incorporation in an Arabic TTS", Information and Communication Technologies, ICTTA'06 pp.1317-1322. Damascus SYRIA.
Al Dakkak O. Harba Y. 2006 "Vocal Commands to a Robot by an Isolated Words Recognition System using HMM", Information and Communication Technologies, ICTTA'06 pp.1219-1224. Damascus SYRIA.
Safadi H., Al Dakkak O., Ghneim N.2006, "Computational Methods to Vocalize Arabic Texts", 2nd W3C Workshop on internationalizing SSML, Herakylon, Greece, May 2006.
Abou Zliekha M., Al Moubayed S.,Al Dakkak O., Ghneim N., 2006 "Emotional Audio-Visual Arabic Text to Speech" EUSIPCO 2006, sep. Florence-Italy.
Attar S., Bawab M. & Al Dakkak O., 2007 "Arabic Lexical DataBase", ANLP workshop in ICTIS'07, April 2007, Fes-Morroco.
Al Marashli A., Al Dakkak O. 2008, "Automatic Text-Independent, Speaker Identification and Verification System using Mel Cepstrum and GMM" Information and Communication Technologies, ICTTA'08 Damascus SYRIA.
Al Dakkak O., Zein A., 2008, "Towards Arabic Electronic Dictionary" Information and Communication Technologies, ICTTA'08 Damascus SYRIA.
Shaker N., Abou Zliekha M., Al Dakkak O., 2008, "SSML for Arabic language", TSD2008, Brno, Czech.
Al Dakkak O., Ghneim N., Alshalaby A., Sonbol R. & Desouki M.S., 2009, Arabic Language Resources in HIAST", 2nd International Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools, Cairo, April 2009.
Safi W. and Al Dakkak O. "Towards Complex Question-Answering Systems", 2nd International Conf. of Engineering Sciences, Aleppo University 2010 (in Arabic).
AlSlalaby A., Al Dakkak O. & Ghneim N. "Arabic Speech Synthesizer in HIAST: Automatic Prosody Generation", Lecture presented in the Workshop of Arabic Content Enrichment, HIAST, 16-19/10.2010 (in Arabic).
Al Dakkak O. "Arabic Language Processing for Scientific Management", Lecture presented in the workshop "Role of Informatics in Supporting Technical and Scientific Management", Damascus university 13-14/10/2010. (in Arabic).
Al Dakkak O. "Developing Scientific Writing for Engineering Students", Ninth Annual Conference of Arabic Academy in Damascus on "Scientific Writing in Arabic", 28/11-1/12/2010 Damascus (in Arabic).
Alshalaby A, Al Dakkak O. & Al Awa N. "Automatic Prosody Generation for Arabic Text-to-Speech Systems", Vol 29 in Journal of Engineering Sciences of Damascus University, 2013.
AlSafi W. , Al Dakkak O. "Information Retrieval System for Arabic Question-Answering". International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering in Arabic, Vol. 5 N. 1, pp 49-57
Alsafi W., Raed H., Al Dakkak O., "3D design for human face, and its integration on the web, in view of simulating visible speech and emotion", 2012, International conference of computer science and engineering on Arabic, Cairo, Egypt (in Arabic)
Alsafi W., Kaddoura I., Al Dakkak O., "3D design for human body, and its integration on the web, in view of simulating Sign language for Arabic", 2012, International conference of computer science and engineering on Arabic, Cairo, Egypt (in Arabic)
Alsafi W., Abboud W., Al Dakkak O., "Design of question analysis component and Arabic Copora indexing for information retrieval in Question Answering system", 2012, International conference of computer science and engineering on Arabic, Cairo, Egypt (in Arabic)
A. AL HAJJAR, A. ISMAIL, M. HAJJAR, M. EL-SAYED, O. AL DAKKAK "Improved Google Search Engine for the Arabic Language (iGAL)" 9th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation, Ankara Turkey 1-3 November 2012.
O. Al Dakkak, N. Ghneim and I. Salman, 2014. "An Interactive Speech Web Site in Arabic and English". Asian Journal of Information Technology, Oct 2014.
DOI: 10.3923/ajit.2014.720.724
A. Alshalaby, O. Al Dakkak, N. Ghneim, 2016. “An Arabic TTS Based on Semi-Syllable Concatenation”, International Review on Computers and Software IRECOS, vol 11, N. 12.
A. Alshalaby, O. Al Dakkak, N. Ghneim, 2017. “Acoustic Word Stress Analysis for Continuous Arabic Speech”, International Journal on Computer and Communications Networks,Computational Intelligence and Data Analytics. Vol 1, No 1.
Sherkawi, L., Ghneim N., Al Dakkak O. 2017 “Arabic Speech Act Recognition using Bootstrapped Rule Based System”. International Journal on Computer and Communications Networks, Computational Intelligence and Data Analytics, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-8.
Dima Shaheen, Oumayma Al-Dakkak, Mohieldin Wianakh, “Sparse Coding for Arabic Phoneme Classification”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V54(1),17-27 December 2017.
Sherkawi, L., Ghneim N., Al Dakkak O. 2018 “Arabic Speech Act Recognition Techniques”. ACM Transactions on Asian and low-resource Language Information Processing”, Volume 17 Issue 3, February 2018. DOI 10.1145/3170576.
Dima Shaheen, Oumayma Al-Dakkak, Mohieldin Wianakh, “Speech Enhancement System using Fischer Discriminative Dictionary Learning FDDL”, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C, Vol. 80, Iss. 1, 2018 pp.163-178