Board of trustees members

Dr. Najah Alattar
Syrian Arab Republic Vice President
Chairman of the Board

Dr. Khalil Ajami
Syrian Virtual University President
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
- 1998 PH. D. In Computer Science – Systems & Networks, University of Paris VI – LIP6 (Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6), Paris-France.
- 1995 DEA (Diplome d’études Approfondies) - Information & Communication Technologies,Université Paris V & Ecole de Telecom Paris, Paris- France.
- 1991 Engineering Diploma in Computer Science – Software Engineering,HIAST (Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technologies), Damascus-Syria.
- 2013-2016 Vice-President for Students and Administrative Affaires – SVU (Syrian Virtual University), Damascus-Syria.
- 2005-2016 BIT program Director (Bachelor in Information Technology), SVU (Syrian Virtual University), Damascus-Syria.
- 2009-2013 Head of Computer Science department – HIAST (Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technologies),Damascus-Syria.
- 2002-* Lecturer & Researcher - HIAST (Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technologies),Damascus-Syria.
- 2002-* Lecturer - Faculty of Information Technologies,University of Damascus, Damascus-Syria.
- 2003-* Lecturer – SVU (Syrian Virtual University),Damascus-Syria.
- 2002-* Lecturer – HIBA (Higher Institute of Business Administration),Damascus-Syria.
- 1998-2001 Senior Consultant & Responsible of IT Training Programs, (MCSE, MCSD & CIW Programs) - SILOGIX, French company of Training and IT Solutions, Courbevoie – France.
- 1997 Member of ISEP (Institut Supérieur d'électronique de Paris) Training Teamresponsible of Training Programs in Information & Communication Technologies for System & Network Technicians, working in many French companies: Alcatel, Thomson Multimedia, AXA, … etc.
- 1997 IT Trainer (MCSE & MCSD Trainer)- TELINF,French company of Training, Paris – France.
- 1995-1996 Assistant - ISEP (Institut Supérieur d’électronique de Paris),Paris-France.
- 1991-1994 Assistant - HIAST (Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technologies),Damascus-Syria, teaching Operating Systems, Networks and Programming Languages.

Dr. Karam Karam
Clinical Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology American University
Council member
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
- 1962 - 1967 Doctor of Medicine (MD) Medicine American University of Beirut
- 1959 - 1962 Bachelor of Science (BS) Biology American University of Beirut
- 1990 Authorized Physician and Surgeon State of Maryland USA
- 1990 Federal Licensing Examination
- 1982 Fellow American College of Surgeons
- 1970 Lebanese State License of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 1967 Lebanese State License of Medicine
- 1966 Education Council of Foreign Medical Graduates USA
- 1990 - Present Clinical Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology American University of Beirut- Medical Center
- 1987 - 1998 Chairman Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology American University of Beirut Medical Center
- 1987 - 1998 Director Residency Training Program Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology American University of Beirut-Medical Center
- 1980 - 1998 Director Reproductive Endocrinology Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology American University of Beirut
- 1978 - 1990 Associate Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology American Univeristy of Beirut Medical Center
- 1972 - 1978 Assistant Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology American University of Beirut Medical Center
- 1973 - 1976 Medical Director Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology The Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology. American University of Beirut
- 1973 Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Johns Hopkins University
- 1971 Postdoctoral Training Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of California

Dr. Muhamad Najib AbdullWahed
Consultant in higher education, research and innovation
Council member
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
Positions and qualifications:
- Professor of mechanical Engineering at the University of Aleppo, Syria.
- Former Deputy Minister of higher education in Syria for scientific research and academic affairs during the period 2002-2012.
- Vice President of the University of Aleppo, Syria and Dean of Mechanical Engineering at the same university.
- Retired since 2013 and based in Lyon, France,
- At present consultant in higher education, research and innovation.
- Consultant at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).
- His actual fields of interest: higher education and university research, research and innovation management, and technology transfer.Qualification

Dr. Amr Alarmnazi
General Director of the Scientific Studies and Research Center
Council member
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- B.Sc. in electrical engineering, American University of Beirut – 1966
- M.Sc. and D.E.Sc. in electrical engineering, Columbia University, New York City, 1967 and 1971 respectively.
- Member of Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New Jersey, USA, 1971-1976. Main area of activity: electronics technologies.
- Held several posts at the Scientific Studies and Research Center since joining the Center in 1976, and is currently General Director of the Center.
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Syrian Computer Society (1997-1999) and Member of the Board of Trustees since 1999.
- Member of the Higher Supervisory Committee of the Arab School for Science and Technology since 1999, and participant in many of its sessions since its establishment in 1978, as lecturer and head of several scientific committees.
- Participant and studies contributor in the four-program Strategy for the Development of Science and Technology in the Arab World, sponsored by the Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), 1985-1989.
- Member of the Supervisory Committee of the UNESCO Cairo Office-based Arab Regional Network for Science and Technology Management (the STEMARN Program), phase II: 1998 – 2001.
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Network of Syrian Scientists, Technologists and Innovators Abroad (NOSSTIA), 2001-present, and Member of the National Founding Committee (2000-2001).
- Member of the Higher Council of the Syrian High Commission for Scientific Research (HCSR) which was established in 2006 to elaborate a science, technology and innovation (STI) policy and strategy for Syria, and to promote and coordinate R&D and related innovation activities.
- Member of the Board of Trustees, Syrian Virtual University, since 2009.
- Member of the Board of Trustees, al-Manara University, since 2016.
- Member of the Board of Directors, Syrian Commission for Distinction and Creativity, since 2016.
- Lectured prepared studies, and participated in many national and pan-Arab initiatives, conferences, seminars and expert group meetings relating to the indicated areas of activity and interest.

Dr. Mhd. Bachir Munajed
President of SoftCad ICT Solutions Software company
Council member
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
- 1979 Ph. D. from Paris University (Pierre et Marie Curie)
- 1975 Bachelor of Computer Engineering, “SUPELEC”, Paris.
- 1970 Bachelor of Civil Engineering, University of Damascus.
- 2006- * President of SoftCAD (Software company)
- 1979- 2010 Professor, University of Damascus
- 2004-2006 Minister of Telecommunications and Technology
- 2001-2004 Minister of Communications
- 2000-2001 Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Damascus
- 1987-2000 Head of Engineering Management Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Damascus
- 1995-1996 Visiting Professor, University of Virginia, USA, (Fulbright Scholar)
- 1975-1978 Researcher at INERIA, France

Pr. Dr. Rakan Razouk
Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology Engineering
Council member
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
- 1990 Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from the University Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse III, France .
- 1986 – 1987 Diploma of Depth Studies (DEA), University Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse III, France
- 1979 – 1984 Bachelor of Computer Engineering – HIAST – Damascus - Syria.
- 12/1990 – 7/1997 Researcher and Lecturer of Computer Sciences at the Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology (HIAST) – Damascus – Syria and Damascus University
- 3/1991 – 6/1999 Head of software engineering laboratory and Database group at HIAST
- 7/1999 – 6/2002 Head of IT department at the Scientific Studies and Research Center
- 4/2004 – 9/2004 Consultant for Academic Affairs and Curriculum Development - Syrian Virtual University (SVU) – Ministry of Higher Education – Damascus – Syria.
- 9/2003 – 9/2005 Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology Engineering – Damascus University – Syria.
- 1/2006 – 3/2008 IT Consultant at Damascus University
- 3/2008 – 3/2012 Vice president of Damascus University for scientific research and postgraduate studies.
- 12/2007 – 8/2017 Chairman of the Syrian Computer Society (SCS) – Syria.

Dr. Rateb Alshalah
Chairman of SEBC, the Syrian European Business Center
Council member
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
- Chairrnan of the Federation of the Syrian Chambers of Commerce frorn 1993 to 2008 and the honorary of this federation from 2009 to 2014.
- Chairman of SEBC, the Syrian European Business Center.
- Chairman of the board of BSO, the Bank of Syria and Overseas.
- Member of the board of AlU, the Arab International University.

Dr. Prof. Mahmoud Ahmad Al Sayed
Specialist in education and a member of the Arabic Language Academy in Damascus and Cairo
Council member
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
Positions and Qualifications
- Specialist in education. He is a member of the Arabic Language Academy in Damascus and Cairo, and chief editor of the Arabization magazine, published by the Arabic Center for Arabization, Composition, Translation and Publication, and the Arabic Language Academy in Damascus. He is also the Chairman of the Arabic Language Empowerment Committee.
- Minister of Education and Minister of Culture in Syria.
- Director of the Educational Sector at the Arab League for the Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALCSO).
- Dean of the Faculty of Education at Damascus University.
- Assistant Secretary General of the Arab Network for the Development of Training Staff at Arab Universities.
- Educational expert in several Arab countries, at UNESCO Regional Office for Education in the Arab countries, and in the UNICEF and the European Teacher Training Program in Jordan.
- He has many publications in the field of education, culture and language, and many researches in the specialized fields. He has fifty-six printed books, hundreds of published researches in scientific journals and has contributions in the field of media in several Arab countries. . He is the winner of the prize for Arabic education from the organization (ALCSO).

Dr. Mansour Farah
Independent consultant in IT and communication for development
Council member
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
- 1977 Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo in Canada.
- 1977 - 1997 Researcher/professor at Bell-Northern Research (Canada), University of Moncton (Canada), Scientific Studies and Research Center (Syria), University of Grenoble (France), and Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology – HIAST – (Syria).
- 1983-1997 Headed the Computer Engineering Department at HIAST
- 1997-2000 Consultant on Information Technology for various national and international organizations and companies.
- June 2000 Joined the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in Beirut and participated in studies on socioeconomic development of the region, focusing on capacity-building in new technologies, particularly ICTs, as well as enhancing competitiveness and productivity of enterprises through technological innovation and new institutional forms.
- 2002 Team Leader for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) focusing on the regional preparatory activities for WSIS in Geneva (2003) and in Tunis (2005), including studies, expert group meetings,and regional conferences and workshops.
- 2005 - 2010 Chief of the ICT Policies Section in ESCWA, managed teams to carry out a number of studies and organize meetings/conferences promoting national and regional ICT policies/strategies and their implementation, provided advisory services to ESCWA member countries and managed the implementation of field projects related to ICT and socioeconomic development, including knowledge networks.
- 2011 - 2013 Consultant on ICT for Development. Worked as UNDP Expert within the framework of Government Services Reform and Modernisation (GSR) project in Syria, focusing on reforming and modernising the Syrian Post.
- 2011 Provided expertise as member of the jury panel for the Second GCC e-Government Award 2011, Kuwait (Oct 2011) and for the Third GCC e-Government Award 2013, Dubai (Dec 2013).
- 2011 - 2012 Taught a Master’s course on “ICT Policies and Strategies” at the Higher Institute for Business Administration (HIBA), Damascus, Syria.
- 2011-2015 ESCWA Consultant, on Regional Profile of the Information Society in Arab Region.
- May 2013-Feb 2014 Carrying out a Needs Assessment Study for the project entitled “Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders in the ESCWA region” (May 2013-Feb 2014) and Harmonization of AIGLE training modules and Strategic framework for dissemination in the region (May 2014-Feb 2015).
- June 2013 Chairs the Board of Directors of the newly created Syrian e-Payment Company.
- February 2017 Member of the Syrian Virtual University Board of Trustees.
- August 2017 Lecturer at the “Arab Academy for e-Business” (ARAEB) at the Master of e-Business Management on ICT for Development and e-Government .

Dr. Imad Sabouni
Chairman, Planning and lnternational cooaperation Commission
Council member
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
- 11/1992 Ph.D. In Microelectronics fiom INP-G (Institut National Polytechnique) Grenoble, France (,
Title :Module Generation for Data-Communications Protocol Engines (in French) - 9/1987 D.E.A. (= M.Sc.) in Microelectronics from UJF (Université Joseph Fourier)' Grenoble, France (
- 6/1987 Engineering Degree in Telecommunications from ENST-Br (école nationale supérieure de communication de bretagne),Brest France (
- 2016 Chairman, Planning and lnternational cooaperation Commission (
- 2014 Professor at the Facully of Engineering, International Universily of Science and technology(IUST), Damascus, Syria (
- 20t0-2014 Associate Profeesor at the Faculty of lnformation Technolory Engineering University of Damascus. Syria (
- 2008-2014 Minister of Communications and Technology, syria (
- 2007-2008 Chairman of SCS (Syrian Computer Society), Syria (
- 2006-2007 Head of Arab ICT stratery working group, LAS (League of Arab States)
- 2006-2007 Advisor to the Minister of communications end Technology. Syria
- 2003 -2006 General Manager of STE (Syrian Telecom Establishment), Syria (,sy)
- 2002-2001 Member of the Syrian ICT Strategy Taskforce
- 2002-2003 National Director of "Strategic ICT Program for Socioeconomic Development in Syria," SYR/02/001, UNDP-Ministry of Communications, Syria
- 2001-2003 Deputy Director for Education, HIAST (Higher lnstitute for Applied Sciences and Technology). Damascus, Syria (
- 1998-2000 Participation in the "2nd Project for the Expansion and Modernization of Telecommunications ( I ,650,000 Telephone Lines)," STE. Syria
- 1993-2003 Professor and Researcher at HIAST. Damascus, Syria
- 1998- 1992 Researcher at LGl (Laboratoire de Genie Informatique). INP-G, Grenoble' France (As part of PhD. research)

Dr. Maher Sulaiman
Director of the Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology (HIAST)
Council member
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
- 1998 Researcher at HIAST
- 2005 Chief of System and Computer Networks laboratory, HIAST
- 2005 - 2013 Director of ISE program (Information System Engineeringand) at Syrian Virtual University (SVU)
- 2013 Academic supervisor and Programme Director for the Doctorate programme at SVU.
- 2008 Vice Director for Scientific and Research Affairs,HIAST
- 2009 Head of Informatics Department, HIAST .
- 2010 - 2013 Director General of the National Agency for Network Services (NANS), Ministry of Communication and Technology
- 2014 - * HIAST director
- 1991 Engineering Diploma in Informatics
- 1998 Ph.D. in Distributed Systems, University of Montpellier-II France

Ms. Lana Farah
Secretary of the Board
▼ Positions and Qualifications ▲ Close
- 2005 Bachelor of literature, department of Sociology from College of Literature and humanities, Damascus University
- 2020 Master in Business Administration, Syrian Virtual University
- 2012-* Secretary of the SVU Councils
- 2017 - * Secretary of SVU Board of Trustees