
محمد طلاس

المؤهلات العلمية: 

دكتوراه في الاحصاء التطبيقي توجه بحوث العمليات.

البرامج الأكاديمية: 


المقررات العلمية: 

ISE.OR - بحوث العمليات
ISE.ST - الاحصاء
ISE.ST - الاحصاء

الخبرات الأكاديمية: 

2001-2006 الاحصاء التطبيقي دبلوم الدراسات العليا في الوقاية الإشعاعية وأمان المنابع المشعة بجامعة دمشق بالتعاون مع هيئة الطاقة الذرية السورية والوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية
2009-2011 الاحتمالات والإحصاء كلية الهندسة المعلوماتية بالجامعة العربية الدولية دمشق-سورية.
2012- حتى الأن الإحصاء وبحوث العمليات برنامج الهندسة المعلوماتية بالجامعة الافتراضية السورية.
2016- حتى الأن بحوث العمليات برنامج تقانة المعلومات بالجامعة الافتراضية السورية

المنشورات العلمية: 

International Referred Journals Interpretation of self-potential anomalies by developing an approach based on linear optimization, Geosciences and Engineering, Vol 5(8) (2016),
The simplex algorithm for best-estimate of magnetic parameters related to simple geometric-shaped structures, Math Geosci, Vol 47(3) (2015), 301-316. M. Tlas and J. Asfahani.
Estimation of gravity parameters related to simple geometrical structures by developing an approach based on deconvolution and linear optimization techniques, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol 172(10) (2015), 2891-2899. J. Asfahani and M. Tlas.
A polynomial time algorithm for the minimum cost flow problem, JMSOR, Vol 2(1)(2013),103-113. M. Tlas.
An interactive interior point method for multiobjective nonlinear programming problems, JMSOR, Vol 2(1)(2013),34-44. M. Tlas
An approach for interpretation of self-potential anomalies due to simple geometrical structures using fair function minimization, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol 170 (2013), 895-905. M. Tlas and J. Asfahani.
Fair function minimization for direct interpretation of residual gravity anomaly profiles due to spheres and cylinders, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol 169 (2012), 157-165. J. Asfahani and M. Tlas.
Fair Function Minimization for Interpretation of Magnetic Anomalies Due to Thin Dikes, Spheres and Faults, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol 75 (2011), 237-243. M. Tlas and J. Asfahani.
A new best-estimate methodology for determining magnetic parameters related to field anomalies produced by buried thin dikes and horizontal cylinders-like structures, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol 168 (2011), 861-870. M. Tlas and J. Asfahani.
An automatic method of direct interpretation of residual gravity anomaly profiles due to spheres and cylinders, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol 165 (2008), 981-994. J. Asfahani and M. Tlas.
A best-estimate approach for determining self-potential parameters related to simple geometric shaped structures, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol. 164 (2007), 2313-2328. M. Tlas and J. Asfahani.
Using of the adaptive simulated annealing (ASA) for quantitative interpretation of self-potential anomalies due to simple geometrical structures, JKAU, Vol. 19 (2008). M. Tlas and J. Asfahani.
A robust nonlinear inversion for the interpretation of magnetic anomalies caused by faults, thin dikes and spheres like-structures using stochastic algorithms, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol. 164 (2007), 2023-2042. J. Asfahani and M. Tlas.
Interpreting self-potential anomalies caused by two-dimensional inclined sheet like structures using maximization of a likelihood function. Jour. of Geophysics, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2006), 27-35. M. Tlas and J. Asfahani.
A logarithmic barrier function method for solving nonlinear multiobjective programming problems, Control and Cybernetics, Vol. 34 (2005), No 2, 1-18. M. Tlas and B. Abdul Ghani.
A versatile nonlinear inversion to interpret gravity anomaly caused by a simple geometrical structure, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol. 162 (2005), 1-15. M. Tlas, J. Asfahani, and H. Karmeh.
A constrained nonlinear inversion approach to quantitative interpretation of self potential anomalies caused by cylinders, spheres and sheet like structures, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol. 162 (2005), 609-624. J. Asfahani and M. Tlas.
A constrained nonlinear inversion approach to quantitative interpretation of self-potential anomalies caused by cylinder and sphere like- structures, Jour. of Geophysics, Vol. 26, No. 2 (2005), 109-115. J. Asfahani and M. Tlas.
A constrained nonlinear programming technique for interpretation of self-potential anomalies due to two-dimensional inclined sheet of finite depth extent, JKAU, Vol. 16 (2005), 21-33 . J. Asfahani and M. Tlas.
Nonlinearly constrained optimization theory to interpret magnetic anomalies due to vertical faults and thin dikes, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol. 161(2004), 203-219. J. Asfahani and M. Tlas.
A nonlinear programming technique for the interpretation of self potential anomalies, Pure Appl. Geophys, Vol. 159 (2002), 1333-1343. J. Asfahani and M. Tlas.
Fourier analysis for quantitative interpretation of self-potential anomalies caused by horizontal cylinder and sphere, JKAU, Vol. 13(2001), 41-53. J. Asfahani , M. Tlas, and M. Hammadi.
Effect of inherited sterility and Bacillus thuringiensis on mortality and reproduction of Phthorimaea opercullela Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Appl.Entomol. Zool, Vol. 42 (4)(2007) .H. Makee, M. Tlas, S. Amer and J. Abdulla.
X-ray fluorescence analysis for the study of fragments pottery excavated at Tell Jendares site, Syria, employing multivariate statistical analysis, Journal of radio analytical and nuclear chemistry, Vol. 285 ( 3) (2010), 455-460. E. H. Bakarji, M. Tlas, A. Abdulrahman, H. Issa, and R. Abboud.
Validation procedures of software applied in nuclear instruments, IAEA-TECDOC-1565 (2006). A. Aba, M. Tlas and W.Doubal.
Determination of the optimal cylindrical geometry heights for gamma-ray spectrometric analysis, Radiation Measurements , Vol. 70 (2014), 34-38, R. Shweikani, M. Hasan, M. Tlas, and A.W. Doubal