باسيل خوري
المؤهلات العلمية:
دكتوراه دولة في علوم التنظيم
البرامج الأكاديمية:
المقررات العلمية:
MiQ.QSP72 - التخطيط والتحليل الاستراتيجي
الخبرات الأكاديمية:
الجامعة السورية الخاصة (2011- إلى حينه)
-المعهد العالي للتنمية الإدارية (2014- 2017)
الجامعة العربية الدولية (2008-2011)
المعهد العالي لإدارة الأعمال (2007-2014)
جامعة الوادي الخاصة (2006-2007
المنشورات العلمية:
1] B.khoury, Role of Science in the Future of Humanity, Published by a quarterly concerned with the strategical issues of the Middle East Shu’un al – Awsat ,Fall 127, 2007, Beirut, Lebanon
[2] B.khoury, Technology Transfer Models (Syrian Virtual University), 2007
[3] B.khoury, Management of Technology Development (Syrian Virtual University), 2007
[4] B.khoury, Legislation of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Arab World, in ALECSO (Ed.) Science, Technology in Arab World: status and perspective, vol.1 (Tunis: 2003) 235-279. (In Arabic)
[5] B.khoury, Globalization of the Economy: Reality and Myth, Arabesque Revue, Montréal (3) 1997, (in Arabic)
[6] B.khoury, World’s strategies and their repercussion on the Middle East Economics, Arabesque Revue, Montréal (4) 1997. (In Arabic),
[7] B.khoury, Water’s conflicts in the Middle East, Arabesque Revue, Montréal (6) 1997, (in Arabic)
[8] B.khoury, The scientific and technological system in the Arab World, (Tunis: ALECSO, 1991). (In Arabic)
[9] B.khoury, Legislation of scientific research and researchers statutes in the Arab World, (Tunis: ALECSO, 1986). (In Arabic).